About Us
The SJF Repair Center is a hub where students can fix and upcycle their garments and items, giving clothing a second life while promoting sustainability skills and culture. The ‘Repair Center’ will help UCI transition into a ‘circular economy’ – a critical piece in implementing localized action to help solve the puzzle of global sustainability.
Meet the Founders
The SJF Repair Center sat down with ANTrepreneur Center Director Ryan Foland, to share more about the backstory and mission.
What’s Included
Sewing Machines
Brother CP80X Sewing Machine from Amazon |
Brother 1034D |
How to Use the Sewing Materials
The Why: Contributing to a Circular Economy
Americans throw away 11.3 million tons of textile waste each year (EPA), people are buying and discarding clothes at record rates, and the health of our planet and global communities are paying for it. Luckily, there is something we can all do to help SOLVE this issue.
The reality is that we need solutions to the climate and ecological crisis that stop the problem as far upstream as possible – beach clean ups, and recycling aren’t cutting it. Normalizing repair and providing the resources to make it accessible to all UCI students grants invaluable skills and philosophy that can be implemented from a personal level all the way into a business model that has impacts that can ripple globally.

Campus Sponsors
Sustainable and Just Future at UCI
Sustainable and Just Future at UCI aims foster the environmental education-to-action pipeline by inspiring and equipping our generation with the tools and knowledge needed to become sustainability solutionists.
You can stay connected with the club by following them on Instagram (@SustainableAndJustFuture.UCI) and check out their Campus Groups page (link) to RSVP to events and become a member.
ANTrepreneur Center
With a mission to help UCI students explore the process of entrepreneurship, the UCI ANTrepreneur Center serves as a hub where student entrepreneurs, or “ANTrepreneurs,” can develop the skills necessary to start, operate, or grow their own businesses. Since its establishment in 2014, the ANTrepreneur Center has offered access to resources, events, programs, and services to foster innovative thinking and an entrepreneurial spirit in UCI’s student body.
Campus as a Living Lab
The Campus as a Living Lab Interns are in charge of running the center alongside SJF at UCI, helping facilitate use of the room, providing sustainability assistance, and acting as mediators with the ANTrepreneur Center.
Blum Center
We extend our gratitude to the Blum Center for supporting us with a grant to bring this project to reality!