Location and Team

Ready to start your Entrepreneur Journey? If so, the ANTrepreneur Center is designed for you, the student. Access is easy and we take walk-ins or Zoom meetings.

    Photo of ANTrepreneur Center

    We are located behind the Merage Business School, next to Summer Session and Disability Services. Click here to find us on the UCI Map.

    For more details and parking information visit: 


    Hours: Monday – Friday 11-4pm

    Make an appointment via CampusGroups, or come by and say hi! Walk-ins are welcome.


    Map of UCI

    Meet the Team

    Ryan Foland Headshot

    Ryan Foland

    ANTrepreneur Center Director

    Email: rfoland@uci.edu

    Ryan Foland is the Director at the UCI ANTrepreneur Center. He is a high energy speaker, author, and consultant. Ryan specializes in helping start-ups when it comes to ideation, core messaging, pitching, and personal branding.

    Stefani Rios Headshot

    Stefani Rios

    ANTrepreneur Center, Program Coordinator

    Email: riossl@uci.edu

    As the Program Coordinator, Stefani designs and oversees programs, special events, and educational classes tailored for entrepreneurs. In addition, she directs our Founder Wellness Program, ensuring students maintain a healthy work-life balance while running their businesses. With expertise in collaborative efforts, Stefani excels in executing engaging workshops, competitions, and school-wide challenges.

    Ruby Mejia Headshot

    Ruby Mejia

    ANTrepreneur Center, Unit Business Coordinator

    Email: rmejiape@uci.edu 

    Ruby is in charge of operating and managing all things that go on behind the scenes. It is her responsibility to make sure all students are happy with programming and are up to date on the all resources UCI and our ANTrepreneur Community have to offer.