E2: Experiencing Entrepreneurship
E2 Program Overview & Fall Program Schedule
Throughout E2: UCI Student ANTrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to start, operate, grow or scale their business.
Offered quarterly, with two Summer Sessions, E2: was created to help student entrepreneurs better understand the psychology of an entrepreneur, navigate through the stages of entrepreneurship and to learn how to pursue mastery throughout their Entrepreneur Journey.
For five weeks each quarter the UCI ANTrepreneur Center welcomes all students to apply who are curious to experience the process of entrepreneurship, already have an idea burning inside them, or have already formed a company.
Our mission is to provide a safe place where they can explore success strategies, take action towards their dream and to be part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals.
- Submission Deadline for the E2: Winter Quarter 2021 is on Monday, December 28, 2020. The Winter Quarter 2021 program will begin on January 11, 2021 – February 12, 2021
- Submission Deadline for the E2: Spring Quarter 2021 is on Monday, March 29, 2021. The Spring Quarter 2021 program will begin on April 5, 2021 – May 7, 2021.
Program Eligibility:
The commitment to their ANTrepreneur Journey begins in this program. To be eligible for E2: students must be a current UCI Undergraduate. The only requirement is that students commit to attending each of the 25 sessions. E2: Sessions are presented for 1 hour 30 minutes or 2 hours max. If students are not able to attend each of the 25 sessions at the UCI ANTrepreneur Center then they are required to set up an individual consultation with the instructor for the sessions they missed. The more they commit the more impactful the program will be in getting them closer to their desired self.