Submit your Content / Event

Welcome to the UCI Entrepreneur Center’s submission hub. Here, you can share your content or event with our community.


Digital Presence & Engagement

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, establishing a potent digital presence and robust engagement isn’t just a trend—it’s a necessity. Both businesses and individual brands thrive when they resonate with their online audience, creating lasting impressions and fostering trust.

Who Can Submit

UCI Alumini

ANTrepreneur Staff

ANTrepreneur Community Members

Process Overview


Create your content.
For example: Article, Video, Podcast


Submit for review.


Get your content published.

Who can submit content or events to the UCI Entrepreneur Center?

We welcome submissions from external community members, internal employees, and alumni. Whether you have an exciting event, valuable content, or a compelling story to share, we encourage you to submit!

How do I submit my content or event?

To submit your content or event, visit our submission page and complete the relevant form based on your affiliation (external, internal, alumni). Fill in the required details, and our team will review your submission.

Is there a fee for submitting content or events?

No, there is no fee for submitting content or events to the UCI Entrepreneur Center. It’s a free opportunity for community members, employees, and alumni to share their valuable contributions.

How long does the approval process take?

The approval process duration may vary, but we aim to review submissions promptly. Typically, it takes a few business days to a week. If you have specific timing requirements, please let us know in your submission.

Can I edit or withdraw my submission after it's been submitted?

Yes, you can edit or withdraw your submission before it is approved. Once approved and posted, you’ll need to contact us for any necessary changes.

What are the criteria for content or event approval?

 Our approval criteria include relevance, quality, and alignment with our community values. We aim to showcase content that adds value to our audience and aligns with our mission.

Can I submit multiple events or pieces of content?

Yes, you can submit multiple events or pieces of content over time. We encourage continuous contributions from our community members and alumni.

From Sales to CEO: Nikhil Verma’s Journey and Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

In this interview, Ryan Foland, Director of the UCI ANTrepreneur Center, explores Nikhil Verma’s transition from the semiconductor and software industries to leading Holovision Inc. Verma shares his unique path of purchasing existing businesses, the importance of market focus, and his insights on mentorship and continuous learning for UC Irvine students and budding entrepreneurs.

UCI ANTrepreneur Center Launches Siemens Ambassador and Low-Code Programming Micro-Internships

UCI’s ANTrepreneur Center, in partnership with Siemens, introduces groundbreaking Micro-Internships. Engage in real-world tech innovation through the Siemens Ambassador role or Mendix Developer positions and advance your career with hands-on experience.

From Passion to Profit: UCI’s $ide Hustle Challenge Nurtures The Creatives of Tomorrow

Explore the UCI $ide Hustle Challenge where creativity meets commerce. This initiative equips UCI students with the tools to turn their side hustles into successful businesses through expert-led workshops, dedicated mentoring, and a vibrant marketplace event.

Soc sci shoutout: Kyle Sanders, ’23 business economics

Explore Kyle Sanders’ journey from UC Irvine graduate to entrepreneur, as he launches Eatery, a groundbreaking food discovery app. Drawing from his experiences at his family’s Indonesian restaurant and his business economics studies, Sanders is poised to redefine healthy, budget-friendly dining with his innovative startup.

UCI ANTrepreneur Center and Y Combinator Join Forces to Empower Next-Gen Entrepreneurs

The article discusses a collaborative effort between the ANTrepreneur Center at the University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine) and Y Combinator, a renowned startup accelerator, to offer an innovative for-credit course named “Anteater to ANTrepreneur.” This course integrates Y Combinator’s Startup School curriculum and aims to blend UC Irvine’s academic rigor with practical business insights.

How To Build, Launch, and Test Your MVP

If you’re a student with a startup idea, building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the first step towards turning that idea into a reality. An MVP is a simplified version of your product that includes only the essential features. It’s designed to test your idea in the market, gather feedback from potential users, and determine whether your product has the potential to be successful. In this article, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to build an MVP for your startup, including identifying core features, developing a prototype, testing your MVP, and launching it in the market. By following these steps, you can create an MVP that meets the needs of your target audience and provides them with the most value, ultimately turning your startup idea into a successful business.

The Human Factor: Why Understanding Behavior is Crucial for Your Startup’s Growth

Understanding human behavior is crucial in growing a startup. By learning about people’s motivations, desires, and pain points, startups can develop products and services that stand out from competitors and appeal to their target audience. Additionally, a deep understanding of human behavior can help startups create effective marketing strategies, design user experiences that drive engagement and loyalty, and provide exceptional customer service. Furthermore, by fostering a company culture that aligns with employees’ values and promotes innovation and professional growth, startups can attract and retain talented employees who are passionate about contributing to the success of the company.

The Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Balancing Time, Attention, Money, Risk, and Self-Care

Entrepreneurship, time management, attention management, money management, risk management, self-care, ANTrepreneur Center, UCI, start-up coaching, business idea, workshops, programs, micro-internships, ideation, implementation, prioritization, boundaries, mindfulness, financial decisions, setbacks, physical health, mental health.

A little bit about Customer Discovery…

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Customer Discovery is a crucial step in the development of your business, helping you understand your target market’s needs and wants. With our expert guidance, you’ll be able to conduct research, gather valuable insights, and create a product that solves your customers’ problems. Get started now and unlock your success!