At the University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine), the UCI ANTrepreneur Center is known for its dynamic approach to fostering entrepreneurship among students. In an exciting new collaboration with Parker Dewey, the Center is launching a mural project that will not only beautify the campus but also serve as an educational tool, illustrating the rich innovation landscape of California. This initiative offers a unique blend of artistic creativity and insight into the entrepreneurial ecosystems of major hubs like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego.

Opportunity for UC Irvine Artists
This initiative is designed as a paid Micro-Internship, providing a professional platform for both UC Irvine students and alumni to engage creatively and financially with their alma mater. Open to the talented artists within the UC Irvine community, this project allows participants to translate their vision of California’s entrepreneurial spirit into a public art piece. By doing so, artists will contribute to the campus aesthetic and also gain practical experience in managing a commissioned artwork.

The goal of this mural is to map out the innovation hotspots across California, with an emphasis on key regions driving technological and business advancements. Artists are encouraged to represent these areas through various artistic mediums, be it through vibrant paintings, digital illustrations, or a mix of both, reflecting the diversity and vibrancy of California’s industries. This visual representation aims to inspire and inform students about the potential career paths and entrepreneurial opportunities available to them. 

Micro-Internship Compensation and Details
The mural project at the UCI ANTrepreneur Center is a unique micro-internship opportunity, designed to merge creative expression with professional experience. We will select one applicant and hire them as a micro-intern to design and install the mural. Additionally, all material costs necessary for the creation of the mural will be fully covered by the ANTrepreneur Center. This setup not only supports the selected artist financially but also ensures they have all the resources needed to bring their creative vision to fruition.

Micro-Internships Explained
The mural project is a key component of the ANTrepreneur Center’s initiative to integrate micro-internships into the academic and professional development of UC Irvine students. These short-term, paid opportunities provide real-world experience across various fields. To date, over 2,000 students have participated in the platform, completing more than 150 micro-internships and receiving a total of $75,000 in compensation. This program not only offers financial benefits but also enhances participants’ resumes and professional networks. Students, and recent alumni who want to sign up for micro-internships you can learn more by clicking here. Students can view the call for proposals by clicking here.

Educational Impact and Inclusive Engagement
Ryan Foland, Director of the UCI ANTrepreneur Center, underscores the educational significance of the mural:

“This isn’t just about beautifying a space; it’s about creating a living map of opportunity. Once the mural is finished, we intend to include QR codes that link to detailed resources within each hub, turning it into an interactive learning tool for our students. This visual representation will help demystify the geographical and conceptual landscape of innovation that surrounds them.”

This feature is designed to make the mural not just a piece of art but a gateway to further exploration and understanding of the state’s business ecosystems. It aims to foster curiosity and provide students with accessible insights into potential next steps for their business idea and even career destinations.

Stefani Rios, Program Coordinator at the UCI ANTrepreneur Center, emphasizes the inclusivity of the project: 

“We’re reaching out to artists across our campus, especially those from the Claire Trevor School of the Arts, to engage with the ANTrepreneur Center. This project is more than just an art installation; it’s a gateway for students to discover and utilize our resources to propel their careers in the arts and beyond. It’s an excellent way for them to showcase their talent and entrepreneurial spirit, all while getting paid as a micro-intern.”

The Call For Proposals is Live

If you’re a UC Irvine student or alumni interested in contributing to this landmark project, we encourage you to submit your proposal. Visit the call for submissions to learn more about the submission guidelines and to apply. Don’t miss this chance to make a lasting impact on your campus and demonstrate the power of art in depicting our entrepreneurial landscape. If you have questions about the project and the application process, please email

For more information about the UCI ANTrepreneur Center and how it can support your entrepreneurial journey, including programming, speaker series, micro-internships, funding, and more, visit our website. You can also learn more about our valuable collaborations with Blackstone LaunchPad, Tech Coast Angels, Tech Coast Venture Network, OC Startup Council, SoCal Celebrates Entrepreneurship, Irvine Tech Week, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.